Bella Lin
Kevin Cary shows off his growing beard during his Spanish II class Nov. 15. At this point, he hadn’t shaved his facial hair for 15 days in support of No-Shave November and will continue to leave it be. The event officially ended when the month of November finished. “Right now, I’m in the itchy phase. It’s driving me nuts right now,” Cary said.
Forget your razors? Keep them away!
According to the No-Shave November website, No-Shave November was a month-long event where participants go without shaving.
Men typically avoid shaving their facial hair and women may avoid shaving body hair. Some participants also wait until after the month is over to get haircuts.
The purpose of this action is to spark discussion and spread awareness about cancer and cancer patients, who may lose their hair during treatment. Participants can even donate the money that normally goes into their hair maintenance on self-set-up fundraising pages on the website.
According to a poll conducted on Instagram by @rcrockmedia on Nov. 30, 31% of students participated in No Shave November and 69% did not.
Spanish teacher Kevin Cary took part in this event. The last date he shaved was Oct. 31, and he has continued to let his beard grow out since then.
Spanish teacher Kevin Cary
Q: Why do you choose to do No-Shave November?
A: I am morally supportive of the concept, and then part of me likes to just do something different. Part of me likes to be lazy, even though I shave my beard now instead of just letting everything grow.
Q: Is it difficult to not shave?
A: There’s a point and time when I had a beard for a couple years straight, and that was kind of fun. I get frustration sometimes if I’m gonna shape it, and I slip, I either got to start over or just reshape everything completely, so it gets frustrating sometimes.
Q: Do you feel personally connected to this event?
A: Now it’s just for fun. I know some people who have gone through cancer, and so it’s [also] been supported.
It’s not just beards that are grown out. Girls can participate by putting a pause on shaving too. Emma Carls ‘25, who considers herself already pretty relaxed over shaving, hasn’t done so since Aug. 12.
Em Carls ’25
Q: Why do you choose to do No-Shave November?
A: I just don’t really keep up with shaving in general, I think that it’s kind of stupid. Kind of also to break the stereotype that women can’t have body hair.
Q: Is it difficult not to shave?
A: No, I love it!
Q: What are your opinions on girls also participating in this event?
A: I think it’s awesome, I like it better than when guys do it because it just has this whole other element to it.
Q: Do you feel personally connected to this event?
Not really, but I think it’s cool that girls are doing it, especially. I was also just tired of shaving, and it’s cool that I have an excuse to do it now.