Sanaa Sow
A graphic containing a globe reads "The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, An overview of the historical context" to introduce the article.
Oct. 7. caught the attention of many Americans and audiences around the world. As mentioned by the Congressional Research Service, Hamas led a surprise attack against Israel, heightening already prominent tension between both Palestinians and Israelis.
With this in mind, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict did not commence Oct. 7. According to sources such as ABC News, the United Nations and the United States Department of State, tension first arose in 1947 due to the British mandate.
As stated by the United Nations, Palestine, which used to be a part of the Ottoman Territories, was placed under the control of the British in 1921. Thus, due to the Balfour Declaration–a letter addressed to the “leader of the Anglo-Jewish community” Lord Rothschild–the British communicated that they believed Palestine should be a home for the Jewish people.
Amidst tension and mass media, there are a lot of different facts and sources to look at when learning about global issues and conflicts.