Claire Bauer
Students wear their masks in school following the Tri-County Health Department's mask mandate Sept. 13.
School administration will officially enforce the mask mandate in schools for all students ages two and up per communication from Tri-County Health Sept. 13.
According to an article in the Highlands Ranch Herald, Tri-County Health operates on a complaint-based health monitoring system. The students refusing to wear masks now face the risk of being sent home or transferred to remote learning.
The Douglas County commissioners voted to leave Tri-County Health last week but have yet to establish a separate health board.
More information can be found at https://www.tchd.org/ , questions or concerns can be submitted to the TCHD School Task Force at covidschools@tchd.org.
“It’s very important to have because if not, we’re going to shut down and kids will have to do virtual classes online and I’m pretty sure a lot of kids don’t want that, especially the ones that do follow the rules and would rather be in school, ” Security Guard J.T. Adams said.