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OPINION: End the Silence on Gun Violence

The problems with firearms and solutions to those problems
OPINION: End the Silence on Gun Violence


It is widely believed that shooters go into shootings with a plan and intent, but that’s not always the case. 

According to Sandy Hook Promise,  93% of school shooters planned the attack in advance.” In the Kansas City Parade shooting, two individuals were arguing so aggressively to the point that they both drew weapons, and despite there being a large crowd and children around, they fired.

 AP News states that 22 people, including people ages eight to 47, were injured. One woman died during the altercation. These shooters went into this parade with no intent of causing harm, yet ruined people’s lives forever. 

This goes to show how even just carrying firearms on someone’s person is just as dangerous as someone with malicious intent. I understand why people may keep firearms on them in public for safety issues, but they seem to be causing more issues than resolving them. 

It has been proven that firearms do save lives in time of need, but statistics have proven that there are seven times as many gun crimes (484,800) as there are instances of defensive gun use (70,040) each year,

These occurrences seem to be happening more frequently and even starting to hit close to home. I’m sure we all remember the STEM school shooting back in 2019, that happened here in Highlands Ranch. This gun violence has completely gotten out of control with more and more people having to pay the price of people’s actions. 

Now, I won’t spend this entire article complaining about the way the world is without adding a proposition. We can only hope that there will someday be a world where we don’t have to be continuously worrying about our safety, but the odds of that happening soon just don’t seem realistic. However, as a society, we can take measures to decrease the amount of shooting casualties in the U.S. 

My proposition is state-mandated training for all gun users and the installation of more metal detectors. 

All new gun buyers need to go to training before being able to get their concealed firearm permit. This would be a drivers ed type of course, where those wanting to purchase a firearm will have to go through training to learn the laws of operating a firearm, how to use one and eventually go through a final test. Not only will this ensure that all gun users know how to use a firearm, but will likely dwindle down the firearm mortality rate. 

More metal detectors at places with high capacity will hopefully reduce the amount of people. If people know that there will be metal detectors it will catch more of those who intend on bringing firearms into public areas and reduce the amount of people who even think to bring a firearm in the first place. 

I know this won’t completely end the issue of gun violence in the U.S. but it may reduce the growing gun violence rates and save some lives in the process.

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