The Balance of the “Hacky Sack and Rock Music” Club.
In Hacky-Sack and Rock Music Club you will be getting the best balance of both worlds, pelting your friends with a hacky-sack then jamming out to your favorite songs.
September 4, 2019
Embarking its second year, hacky sack club makes an unexpected combination: the laid-back sport is being intertwined with rock music. With hacky sack’s competitive nature of kicking, hitting and head-butting, rock music adds another aspect of the club that draws people to join.
“They balance each other out right, so you got the intensity of rock music then you also got chillness of the hacky sack,” Josh Woodrow ’21, a president and founder of the club, said.
This club is great for people who are looking for an opportunity to let loose and relax while still sharpening their hand-eye coordination. If you are the competitive type this club is just for you because there are different variations of hacky sack games.
One of the games that the club promotes includes a game of endurance where a group of players keep the sack up for over four times. In another, players attempt to outlast their opponents by throwing the ball to hit and eliminate other players.
The club also offers the rock music aspect of the club so that members can jam out when while recovering from a fresh hacky sack victory.
The club is every Tuesday after school in Derek DeNileon’s room (8700).

Josh Woodrow ’21 plays the guitar at the activities fair Aug. 27 to advertise the Hacky Sack and Rock Music Club.