Class of 2021: Information About Senior Photos

Information about RockMedia’s senior photos policy and plan, from an email distributed to parents Aug. 19.

media by Black and Gold Yearbook

Senior photo day announcement.

by Black and Gold Staff

To view the PDF version of this letter, click here.

To view a presentation about our senior photo policy, click here.

Parents of the Class of 2021: Congratulations! It’s time to start marking the milestones of your student’s senior year, which means it is time to start thinking about their senior yearbook photo in the 2021 Black & Gold yearbook.

If you’ve had a senior student before, you know that many families take senior photos the
summer before their senior year of high school. Unfortunately, spring and summer plans have been drastically affected by COVID-19 – for students, families and businesses. However, the editorial board of the Black & Gold yearbook is still committed to ensuring every student has the opportunity for a free, professional photo in the yearbook.

The Black & Gold yearbook editorial board will continue to work with our two photography
studios to manage the nearly 600 senior portraits for the panel pages in the 2021 volume of the yearbook — Keepsake Photography and Vision Photography. You must have your photo taken by one of these photographers for your portrait to be in the book. (See free day options for these photos below.) This exclusive photographer process is for senior yearbook photos only. You are still able to use personal photos of your choice for all other purposes – senior tribute ads, graduation announcements, etc.

All senior photos will be taken by one of the two photography studios selected through the
editorial board’s RFP process -Vision Photography or Keepsake Photography. Each studio provides excellent photography for your senior and has created specific opportunities for Rock Canyon seniors.

Seniors who decide to have their senior session taken by a different photographer
will need to attend one of the FREE yearbook days at the school — Sept. 11 or 18 from 9 a.m.
to noon — in order to ensure they will be included in the 2021 yearbook. Students will need to
sign up using one of the links below so we can manage numbers and maintain proper physical distancing during free portrait days. Sign-ups are on a first-come-first-served basis.

Sept. 11 sign up click here.
Sept. 18 sign up click here.

In the meantime, both studios have created opportunities for families to begin getting senior
portraits taken for the 2021 Black & Gold yearbook.

Keepsake Photography has scheduled a limited number of mini sessions at their studio as
well. The sign up for mini-studio sessions is at this link.

Vision Photography has also scheduled a limited number of mini sessions at the Vision
Photography studios. Please contact Vision Photography at this link.

We look forward to seeing your senior in the 2021 Black & Gold yearbook!
The Black & Gold editors and staff

You can contact the Black and Gold Staff by emailing [email protected]