Halloween in Quarantine
With rising COVID-19 cases and Halloween approaching rapidly, here is your guide to a safe and spooky Halloween.
media by M. Merritt
A pumpkin at the Denver Botanical Gardens Pumpkin Patch Oct. 13.
October 31, 2020
October is here, along with the glorious smell of pumpkin spice lattes, the sound of crunching leaves, the sight of carved pumpkins, and the feeling of Halloween drawing nearer.
As a result of rising COVID cases and new public safety regulations, it is uncertain whether or not Halloween will be able to be celebrated traditionally. Trick-or-treating is still up in the air for Colorado, but in some places, such as towns in New Jersey and California, trick-or-treating has been completely banned.
With these new changes and restrictions, the question stands, “What can we do for Halloween this year?”
This year, there are still many activities that students can participate in during the fall season. Douglas County is under a “Safer at Home” public order, restricting large gatherings, but there are still Halloween celebrations that comply with the Tri-County Health Department’s regulations.
Carving Pumpkins
Pumpkin carving is a popular activity during the Halloween season. This is a fun and appealing alternative to going outside and having the risk of contracting the coronavirus.
“Pumpkin carving can be fun depending on who you do it with, it is also a good tradition because it brings people and families closer.” Emma DeBoer ‘21 said.
Costume Contest
Due to the fear of trick-or-treating during the pandemic, many costumes are at risk of being unused. Having a costume contest is a great way to share fun costume ideas and show off your excitement for Halloween while staying safe in the process.
Trunk or Treat
Another activity to participate in is student council’s “A Nightmare on Canyon Street” trunk or treat event. This Tri-County Health Department approved event will be taking place on Friday, October 30 from 5 p.m to 8 p.m. All of the Rock Canyon feeder schools have been invited and student participation in handing out candy is strongly encouraged.
Trick-or-treating is still allowed in Douglas County, but it is strongly advised that trick or treaters wear a mask when coming into contact with other people. Due to these restrictions, many people have had to adapt costumes and have the opportunity to wear a festive mask to match their costume.
These activities are ways to spread Halloween spirit, but to prevent the spread of COVID-19.