FRIDAY FACULTY FEATURE: Alexis Savas’s Travels
This week’s glimpse into the life of French teacher Alexis Savas.

media by Elsa Swanson
French teacher Alexis Savas stands in front of the 8000s pod staircase. Savas teaches both French and Spanish, and has traveled to 47 countries. “I really liked the architecture of Spain. And I liked the culture and ambiance of France,” Savas said.
November 11, 2022
Imagine traveling across the world, visiting countries with a vast array of cultures and traditions. To know what it is like to travel all around the world, and know which locations have the best food, architecture and experiences, ask French and Spanish teacher Alexis Savas.
Q: Can you please say your first and last name?
A: Alexis Savas.
Q: How long have you been teaching?
A: This is my 14th year.
Q: How many years at Rock Canyon?
A: This is my ninth year at Rock Canyon.
Q: How long have you known French?
A: I started French when I was 12.
Q: Do you know any other languages?
A: I speak Spanish, and teach it.
Q: Do you sponsor any school clubs or activities?
A: I run the French National Honor Society.
Q: Do you have any pets?
A: I have three cats. They are perfect. I have one Ragamuffin. She is 14. Her name is Nittany. Coco is the middle child. She is going to be two in November. Iris is the baby ragdoll, she just turned one in May.
Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: I really liked “Labyrinth.” That is with David Bowie.
Q: What is your favorite book?
A: I read a lot. Let’s see. “Shadow of the Wind” is like my favorite book of all time. If you have not read it, it is a good one.
Q: I know you travel a lot. How many countries have you traveled to and what was the coolest place?
A: I have been to 47 countries. I guess the coolest place just depends on what you are looking for, like if you are looking for nature or food or history or architecture. I really liked the food in Thailand. I really liked the architecture of Spain. I liked the culture and ambiance of France.
Q: Do you have a crazy teaching story?
A: So I had this kid once, he did not want homework over the weekend. When I assigned homework, he threw a desk at me. I stepped out of the way. Later, that same child after he had graduated said that I was his favorite teacher. When he wanted a job at Walmart, he called me for a reference, and I told him that he should probably not ask for a reference from someone he threw a desk at.