The beginning of school can be an exciting time for students everywhere.
About two months ago, many students began their first, second, third or fourth year in high school. They had to adapt to the new year after being on summer break for a few months. Freshmen may have been, and may still be, nervous for their first year of high school, while many seniors look to their futures.

Many students may not have been too happy about returning to school, as summer is their biggest break.
After so many days of staying up late, sleeping in and not having homework, the start of first quarter’s abrupt change to waking up early and going to class at 7:35 a.m. was a sudden change.
Some students may have enjoyed the return to school. Others may have opposed it.
It is important to note factors for those enjoying versus disliking the return. For example, if students enjoy their class, or if they had uneventful–or packed–summers.
Busy schedules can prevent students from connecting with their friends, so the return to school may offer a chance to change that.
It’s not just seeing friends again, though. Many students joined clubs, sports and activities during the first quarter that weren’t available over the summer.
For example, in high school, fall offers football, volleyball, softball and many other sports during the fall season, with many more to come.
“I’m feeling pretty eager to continue onto the next phases of my life, but the biggest challenges that this year provides are simply maintaining a balance of life: reserving time in my day for school, work, social life and personal wellness,” senior Jackson Hitchler said. “All I hope for this year is to catch more of the basketball games. They’re always a blast to see.”
Overall, going surviving the first quarter every year can be a challenge, or can be fairly easy for students. Eventually, though, everyone gets back into their system and finds their place.
Either way, this new year has something interesting to offer for everybody. Good luck in these next three quarters!