College Frenzy
Are you applying to college and stressed out on what to do? Here are 5 tips to help you get into the college of your dreams.
October 28, 2018
- Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands are all apart of the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program. Depending on the schools in those states and certain majors you can be able to get a reduced tuition. This tuition is not instate tuition but it will be lower than out of state tuition.WUE enables students from one of 16 WICHE states and territories in the Western U.S. to enroll as nonresidents in 160+ participating public colleges and universities and pay 150 percent (or less) of the enrolling school’s resident tuition—which annually saves students an average of $9,000 each on the cost of nonresident tuition. (WICHE) Graphic from WICHE
Map of all the states and regions that are part of the WUE program. - Apply for scholarships/grants even if you don’t fit the requirements. If you are the only one that applies they have to give you the money. Fill out FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), without filling it out you can not qualify for federal student aid. “The U.S. Department of Education uses the FAFSA to determine your eligibility for federal student aid, including low-cost loans, grants, and work-study. The FAFSA may also determine your eligibility for state and school aid as well.” (Education Planner) “1 and 2 is good information I didn’t know [them] but the rest I knew,” Max Buhler ‘20 said.
- Only apply if you are for sure you could see yourself living there. Either go visit the campus or look around it online make sure it has everything that fits your needs. This will be your home for around 4 years, make sure you have enough to do on the weekends and enjoy what is around.
- Make sure you have all the requirements needed to get in so you know you have a better chance. Also make sure you have everything they made need for the application on hand. On the college websites if you go to admissions there should be apart that says freshman or requirements. There you will find what the school needs to be accepted. Example. from CU Boulders website. “I didn’t know the fourth one, so it did end up helping me,” Lexi Brabec ‘19 said.
Where on CU Boulders website that you can find the information needed to apply. - Know the deadlines, make sure you turn in everything before the deadline. When you get into the college you want to go to make sure that you know all those deadlines and what you need to do before the school year starts. Example from CU Boulder website.
Deadlines for applying to CU Boulder.