Feature Teacher Friday: Social Studies Teacher Hailey Johnson
Rock Canyon gained many new teachers this year and we are taking the time to get to know them. We asked a few simple and abstract questions to help you get to know the staff who is dedicated to helping you learn. This week’s Feature Teacher is Social Studies teacher Hailey Johnson.
media by E. Wilson
Social Studies Teacher gives quiz directions to student Liesl Brauch ’21 in room 3700 during access Sept. 10.
September 13, 2019
What subject(s) do you teach and why did you decide that subject?
“I teach Social Studies. Specifically freshman World Geography and American Government. Honestly, Social Studies was the open position, but both of those subjects are big passion subject of mine. Especially government. It’s so exciting to teach that course right now. Geography is just fun and I love teaching freshman.”
What is your favorite part of being a teacher?
“The kids and making the connections with the students is probably my favorite part. It’s just really fun. I try my best to discover what they are participating in whether it is a part of Rock Canyon or not, and try to support them. But making those relationships with my students is the main reason why I teach.”
Favorite memory from teaching?
“My first year of teaching when I was at Regis Jesuit, the freshman class voted me as the best teacher. The reason I was really honored about that wasn’t just because they liked me, but because the award was about teachers that go above and beyond to take care of the students as a whole, not just academically but also social emotionally. The fact that that was the reason why I was chosen was a big honor. That has kind of been a big motivator to keep me going on the tougher days.”
How long have you been teaching?
“This is my third year of teaching and my first at Rock Canyon. I like it a lot. It’s been really supportive and a lot of fun. It is very different than where I was at before, so I’m excited to be back in the coed setting, but it’s amazing and I love it.”
Is a hotdog a sandwich? Why or why not?
“I do believe a hot dog is a sandwich because you can put many toppings on a hot dog much like you would a sandwich and there are the two pieces of the bun. However, if you remove the bun, it is no longer a sandwich.”
What is your least favorite song? Why?
“I really am not a fan of that song Gangnam Style. It’s fun for like a second and then it gets very old very quickly. It’s like I hate myself for bopping along and then I have to turn it off.”
Do you prefer books or movies? Why?
“If it’s Harry Potter, then the books, everything else, movies. I really like A League of Their Own. It’s like an old movie about softball teams during the war.”
If you could give your 10-year-old self advice, what would you say?
“Don’t participate in everything. Don’t overwhelm yourself.”