A Ray of BlackLight
Ducking and Dodging for a Wish
February 27, 2020
The lights fade out as two teams approach the court for the first game of the annual BlackLight Dodgeball tournament. The bleachers surrounding the court are filled with spectators cheering a screaming. The announcer starts the countdown and the two teams line up to play BlackLight dodgeball possibly for the last time.
Quinn Pogge ‘22 gives an inspirational speech to his teammates prior to the beginning of Blacklight Dodgeball in the RCHS Gym Feb. 24. Pogge participated on a team called “Collar Gang” and played in the first game of the tournament. “I’m super excited. We got the jeans and the collared shirt and honestly, nothing can beat us,” Tripp Thompson ‘22, a member of “Collar Gang said prior to playing. “Even if it is a one versus eight situation, I will power through and win.” The Collar gang lost to Grime Time in the first round.