The DCSD Free Meal Program
Find out some information about the free meal program taking place in the Douglas County School District.
media by Kishan Vahalia
Rock Canyon’s Subway Cafeteria
October 1, 2021
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Douglas County School District (DCSD) gave away free breakfast and lunches to the students who go to the DCSD schools.
The schools are using the district’s Covid-19 relief money since many students spend money on school lunch every day.
“The free meals started when the pandemic started, which was in March, 2020,” Diana Calise, the Rock Canyon High School’s cafeteria manager, said.
This free meal program is going to continue throughout the 2021-2022 school year, for the Douglas County Schools.
“The only restriction to get free lunches and breakfast is that you have to be 18 years old or younger,” Calise said.
This means that any student can receive free meals, no matter which Douglas County school they go to. But the breakfast and lunch program isn’t just limited to DCSD.
“The whole U.S. is doing the program,” Calise said.
Many schools and districts all across America are participating in the free meals program by using their “covid funds” towards no-cost lunches and breakfasts.