Hall Passes: The Benefits, Downfalls, and Student Opinions
Keep reading for student opinions on the new hall passes implemented by school administration.
media by Grace Uhrain
A graphic illustrates the new hall passes put in place at RCHS.
January 14, 2022
As students walk through the halls, orange passes hang by lanyards from their necks. Bold black letters outline the words: “Hall Pass.”
Hall passes were implemented the first day of second semester as a measure against the vandalism happening in the school restrooms. Toilets, sinks, and soap dispensers have been stolen, MiO, a drink flavoring, has been sprayed on the walls, and other acts of vandalism have continued despite continued efforts by the school administration to combat it.
“The reason they were implemented is that we had too many students in the hallways and so many incidents we couldn’t keep up. I’m for [hall passes], it makes my job easier,” Security Guard Mark Moran said.
While some students think it’s a good attempt to try to prevent the repetitive destruction of school property, others have different opinions.
“I think they’re definitely useful for vandalism, but they do get annoying because sometimes you have to go somewhere and there isn’t one available,” Jack Koressel ‘25 said.
The hall passes are made out of an orange sheet of paper with a small plastic material covering them, and some are already deteriorating after only one week of using them.
“I feel like they’re a good idea, but also feel like they’re not going to be effective because they’re falling apart and there are already people not using them,” Josalynn Kyle ‘25 said.
Others find this idea gross due to the fact that the hall passes are worn into the bathrooms.
“I think they’re disgusting. People don’t wash their hands, and it’s good to help stop the vandalism but it’s preventing us from brain breaks and prohibits our freedom to socialize during the school day,” Maya Fuller ‘23 said.
Other students brought forward their opinion on how they believe that it isn’t going to change anything and that it’s just creating an extra thing the school has to do instead of solving the problems.
“They are so stupid. It’s like we’re back in elementary school. I think there’s more effective ways of handling it than making us carry around neon orange passes,” Anneliese Justice ‘24 said.
Some students feel neutral about the hall passes, but were surprised when they were implemented.
“I don’t really mind them, I just find it kind of random,” Jersie Spears ‘25 said.
Trust is also one of the factors that students feel like has been stripped of them having the passes because it’s not everyone in the school creating this problem, just a small few.
“I think they’re unnecessary. I feel like the school should trust us more,” Chase Studer ‘25 said.