The factors behind math teacher Tony Koy.
media by Kishan Vahalia
Math teacher Tony Koy grades tests from his Calculus class in his classroom Sept. 20. Koy teaches Algebra II/Trigonometry, Math of Money, Calculus, and AP Calculus. “Math of Money teaches kids who have never liked math before, whereas Calculus takes kids that are really good at math and challenges their math knowledge,” Koy said. “It’s hard to say which one’s my favorite.”
February 10, 2023
Picture yourself in math class. You take notes on factoring while tapping your pencil on the desk. Then, math teacher Tony Koy starts to explain the concept, loud and animated.
Q: What do you teach?
A: Algebra II/Trig, Math of Money, Calculus A and AP Calculus BC.
Q: What’s your favorite class to teach?
A: It’s a hard question because all of them are a little bit different. For example, Math of Money is a class that teaches kids that have never liked math before how they’re going to use math in the real world. AP Calculus takes kids that are really good at math and challenges their math knowledge. So, it’s hard to say which one’s my favorite.
Q: How long have you been teaching math?
A: It’s my 27th year teaching overall, and in my 17th year at Rock Canyon.
Q: Where did you go to college?
A: North Carolina State University. Go Wolfpack!
Q: What do you like to do in your free time?
A: Fly fishing all the time. I hang out with my family up in the mountains and enjoy a little time in Granby.
Q: Do you watch any sports?
A: Football and football, college and professional.
Q: What’s your favorite NFL team?
A: Chicago Bears. It’s painful, very painful to be a Bears fan. But I have been my whole life.