How to Celebrate Earth Day
50 years after its creation, Earth Day signifies a worldwide challenge to combat the deterioration of the planet. Students use their platforms to appreciate the world around them.
media by Amanda Brauchler
A panorama of the view at Daniel’s Park in Castle Pines, CO.
April 22, 2020
April 22, 1970 was the first Earth Day. 20 million Americans demonstrated earth sustainability in coast-to-coast rallies fighting against oil spills, factory and power plants pollution, raw sewage, toxic dumps, pesticides, freeways disrupting habitats, the loss of the wilderness and extinction of wildlife. These protests in 1970 resulted in the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air Act. Two years later, the Clean Water Act passed. A year after that, Congress passed the Endangered Species Act.
By 1990, 200 million people in 141 countries fought environmental issues. Earth Day 1990 focused on bolstering recycling programs. America’s Earth Day efforts were recognized at the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit, when the founder of Earth day, Senator Gaylord Nelson, was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Moving into the 2000s, there were at least 5,000 environmental groups in 184 countries. Earth Day 2000 inspired global and local conversations about using the power of the internet to organize events around the world. Read more about the history of Earth Day here.
The global movement of fifty years continues to inspire generations today.
“With anything, one action can lead to monumental things and that’s exactly the case with the protests. A simple protest was able to bring so much awareness and passion to the hearts of people that continues to live on and manifests itself into one day every year,” Eco Club member, Leanna Navo ’22 said.
Helping boost environmental activism, Eco Club works to promote sustainability within the school and community through collecting recycling, projects and activities.
“As a community, we can continue to do the little things to celebrate our earth from home. It’s as simple as going on a walk or a bike ride to appreciate what we have around us, or taking the steps to avoid turning lights on or taking long showers for a day. Since pollution is already much lower due to quarantine, these small steps can allow us to celebrate something beautiful during this time of stress,” Eco Club Vice President, Anna Bajszar ’20 said.