Information Regarding the 2020 AP Exams

AP Scores are released July 15-17.

media by Matthew Fink

AP Exam scores for 2020 are about to be released to students. By Matthew Fink.

It’s once again the time of year where AP Scores are about to be released to every student who took any AP tests back in May. But prior to the scores being released, Trevor Packer, the Senior Vice President of Advanced Placement posts the overall results of each exam on his twitter account, @AP_Trevor.

Despite all the changes with AP Exams this year, nothing has changed with how the scores are being released and how Packer releases the overall scores. According to the College Board, AP scores are to be released between July 15-17, depending on the state you are in. For Colorado, scores will be released on July 16, 6 a.m.

In the meantime, Packer has released all of the overall test scores to his twitter account. Here are the statistics that Packer has released.


Each result details the percentage of students that earned certain scores on their AP Exams. This includes all students that took the test in May or early June, however, does not include anyone who took the final exception tests in late June. Additionally, anyone who took the final exception test will receive their score later than others and will be notified via email when their score has become available.

Throughout last week, Packer released all of the overall scores to his twitter account as he received them. Now all that students who took AP exams in May and early June can do is wait until the scores are officially released this week.

Trevor Packer’s twitter account, @AP_Trevor








Many students at RCHS took AP Exams as well this year. One student, Tripp Thompson ‘22 took multiple AP Exams this year.

“I’m nervous to get my scores, but also a bit excited because I get to see how my year went and what all my hard work went to,” Thompson said.

Thompson took the AP Environmental Science and AP World History tests. Both tests had at least 40% of students get either a 1 or 2 on them.

“I’m not really worried about my score because I already know that I did well on my ap exam back in May,” Thompson said.