The “Best Student Section in Colorado:” Love it or Hate it?
Spectators discuss the student section at basketball games – is it really the best in Colorado?
media by Elly Brooks
Tyce Shelburn ’26, Cooper Ueland ’26 and Preston Duman ’26 cheer as a varsity basketball player scores a three-pointer at the home game against ThunderRidge High School (TRHS) Jan. 27. The student section theme was a “white-out.” “The basketball games are super fun and the student section is always fun doing all the crazy chants,” Shelburn said.
February 19, 2023
You feel the heat engulf you as you walk into the crowded gym. The voices come from all directions as you start your ascent up to the bleachers. You push and nudge, feeling the sweat and anticipation of the game.
Suddenly, you hear the Golden Boys, the student leaders of the student section, start a chant. Countless others join it. The feeling of the rumble and shake of the bleachers meet your feet as people jump and cheer with all their hearts. The booing and cheering against the other team continues to bounce around the room.
The parents’ eyes scan the student section, but despite the looks, the chants continue, the recognition fueling the fire of the section as the chants get louder and more aggressive
There are many different opinions about the student section. Love it or hate it, there are varied viewpoints on it and students, teachers, and cheerleaders explain why.
MJ Mejia ‘25
Q: How many basketball games have you been to?
A: I have been to four games because my friends like to go.
Q: What’s your opinion on the crowd of basketball games?
A: I feel like they’re very disrespectful. They’re unkind and distracting to the other players and to our players.
Q: How do you feel about the chants we do to the other teams’ student section?
A: I feel like the chants are loud and they’re annoying and no one likes to do them. They’re mean, and I feel like it’s only a small number of people who actually enjoy doing it. Everyone else gets annoyed and they want to leave. It makes everyone hate it. Horrible.
Payton Shank ‘25
Q: How many basketball games have you been to this year?
A: I’ve got three. Some I have cheered at, some I’ve been in the stands, and they are very different. Feeling the energy of the student section and being able to be a part of that is really cool.
Q: Since you’re a cheerleader at the games, what’s your opinion on our student section?
A: I really like them. I think they’re really fun and they make me laugh. And it’s just a really good atmosphere. I enjoy seeing the players up close and personal and having my team with me as we cheer. I also enjoy the way everyone comes together and dresses up to be an amazing student section. Sometimes I think we can be a little bit out there, but I feel like it’s just fun to get into school spirit stuff, so it’s good.
Q: Do you feel like there’s a different experience being a cheerleader than being in the actual student section?
A: Yes, I do very much. I feel like when you’re a cheerleader, you’re kind of just like, sitting there. You can hear everything that’s going on. But, being a cheerleader is a different experience, because you can look upon the section and see the facial expressions of everyone. And everything that’s going on in the game and in the student section. I feel like the student section has more freedom to go and do what they want.

Kylie Fisher ‘25
Q: How many basketball games have you been to and what’s your opinion on our student section?
A: Probably a few in my time. Honestly, I love our student section so much. I think it really adds hype to the basketball team and so I feel like that helps them win in a way because it’s like, they know that they’re good because we’re being hyped and we’re like, hyping them up, you know?
Q: Would you change anything about the student section?
A: Oh, absolutely not. If anything, I would like us to be louder. I feel like we don’t cheer enough, especially at football games.
Q: What’s your favorite cheer we do in the student section and why?
A: My favorite cheer is probably the “do it” cheer because it’s just fun to see who participates the most and people get really into the cheers.
Game Announcer Brian Lamb
Q: What’s your opinion on our student section?
A: I think that overall, for boys basketball games, our student section is very supportive. They show up in great numbers. I wish they would show up the same for girls basketball and other sports like wrestling, football, and all the other sports. I think we’re lacking in that sense.
Q: What’s your opinion on the cheers we do?
A: Their cheers are not timed very well. I think their cheers during varsity are very good at rallying the players and that gives them more motivation at times. But, I think they need to be a little bit smarter about when they do certain cheers. I do think they do a good job of supporting our team, the basketball boys basketball team, for sure. I don’t understand the “Si Papi” cheer, I think it’s kinda weird.
Q: What’s your opinion on the overall feel of the section?
A: Overall I do like the vibe of the student section and how they come to support the players. But I think when they go and say inappropriate stuff that becomes obnoxious, obviously. That’s something that the administration would definitely like to curb. They talk to the Golden Boys about different cheers and stuff.