A Virtual Day in the Life of a Student

Our staff gathered images from throughout their day, to give a glimpse into the life of students during remote learning.

by staff, Reporter

For Colorado Student Media Association’s One Day Coverage challenge, our staff documented moments of their Friday, Nov. 6, to provide a glimpse into what a virtual learning day entails.

5 a.m. @ Denver International Airport

Abigail Wood ‘24 walks through the airport as she heads off to Houston Nov 6. With minimized travel during the pandemic, the airport was not as crowded as usual and had ample social distancing signs in the lines and in the train. “The only thing that really surprised me was there wasn’t as much hand sanitizer dispenser as I thought there would be,” Wood said.

At 5 a.m. in the morning and in the midst of a pandemic, there is no line for Frontier’s check-in desk at DIA Nov. 6. (photo by Abigail Wood)
Socially-distanced travelers wait in Denver International Airport’s main security line, Nov. 6. (photo by Abigail Wood)












7 a.m. @ Home

Julia Blanchette’s ’21 SAT study materials in front of an email that College Board sent, notifying her that her testing center was closed due to COVID impacts Nov. 6. Blanchette was slated to take the test Nov. 7, until the closure. (photo by Julia Blanchette)

Students prepare for an upcoming SAT exam when College Board sends out an email notifying test takers of test center closures due to COVID-19. Nov. 6. College Board was offering the SAT at numerous schools all throughout Colorado. Nov. 7. “I have been studying for this exam for two weeks by myself and with the help of virtual tutors. To have this exam canceled is very disappointing because I need this exam score to be eligible for scholarship at colleges I’m interested in,” Julia Blanchette ‘21 said.

8 a.m. – Checking in on Democracy

This “Eyes on the Prize” political cartoon illustrates the current political tension and importance of gaining Nevada’s electoral votes 8:00 A.M Nov. 6. At this point in the election, Vice President Joe Biden needed 6 electoral votes to win the election, which shifted a focus to Nevada, a projected blue state with 6 electoral votes. “Democracy only works if people vote and inevitably whoever is elected is elected, for better or for worse,” Aspen Shih ’22 said. “I feel like this election has been so drastically polarized but hopefully this election will move the country forward during these times.” (photo by Kira Zizzo)


9:20 a.m. – in Seminar

As part of seminar Nov. 6, students reviewed the results of the Colorado High School “mock election.” The “mock election” gave students a ballot with identical measures and candidates as their parents received, and allowed high schoolers who could not vote to still participate in educating themselves civically. (photo by Svea Erickson)
Question and Answer with Student Participants in the Mock Election

Question: Why might the election results matter to people around me (my family, friends, or community)?
Answer: “These results matter to me and my family because my sister is fresh out of college, and the change in office may affect her ability to get a job and transition into the real world” said Alex Durbin ‘23.

Question: What’re your thoughts on the mock results, and based on the results do they reflect the real election this year?
Answer: “Based on the mock results this year, they did surprise me because in the beginning of my teaching it was all red down in Castle Rock, but when I moved to Rocky Heights and then to Rock Canyon it has turned blue over the years. I think it is very interesting, and that the real election is a reflection based on the mock results” Derek Denileon (Seminar and Spanish teacher) said.

Question: Why might the results of the 2020 presidential election matter to the country and to you?
Answer: “The results of the presidential election matter to me and the country because the future of the environment, human rights, and the pandemic depends on it. Obviously both candidates have their pros and cons but if u scale and compare them, you will find that one has more pros. This is because he is actively listening to his people as well as making decisions that will help America in the long run. Although personally I haven’t supported either of the candidates, I would prefer to have a president that cares for the world and the health of his people rather than money and greed” Sami Raja ‘23 said.

11:25 a.m. – in First Period


Juniors Brooke Ferrel, Lily Hansen, Avery Gibson and Morgan Brent present their project for AP Seminar class. Students were tasked with finding a solution to a problem through research, their group chose deforestation.



11:50 a.m. – the End of First Period

The computer of Grace Uhrain ‘23 sits as she attends a virtual class at 11:50. Uhrain attended Andrew Mulberry’s AP World History class for the 25-minute, virtual first period. (photo by Grace Uhrain)

12:20 p.m. – the End of Second Period

Seniors Kayla Mash, Izzy Broome and Maddy Merritt spend their sixth period online together Nov. 6. Friday was an all-online day, which prompted friends from across cohorts to spend the day together at one house. “I like studying with friends on Fridays because it helps me feel more connected to people,” Broome said. “We see each other less because of the hybrid schedule, so the hours we get to spend with each other on Friday are so important.” (photo by Amanda Brauchler)

1 p.m. – in AP Psychology Fourth Period

Megan Williams ’22 and Ben England ’22 go over their AP Psych FRQ after submitting it in 4th period today. This is the second FRQ of the year for Ms. Smith’s AP Psych students. “I thought I did really good on this one, the prompt made a lot of sense, but I also studied a lot which made it easier,” Williams said. (photo by Ben England)

3:30 p.m. – Science National Honor Society Meeting

(Maddy to insert sentences and a pull quote from Sophie Shadid after school)

8:07 p.m. @ California Pizza Kitchen

After a day of virtual school together, Seniors Amanda Brauchler, Izzy Broome, Jacob Aragon, Maddy Merritt, Kayla Mash and Sammy Cutone eat dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. The most popular dish at the table was the mac and cheese, which four of the students got. (photo by Amanda Brauchler)

10 p.m. around Highlands Ranch

Eric Halvas ’23, Kayden Glauser ’23, and Elijah Hughes ’23 play the game “007” with friends Nov. 6. To play, students are split into teams and are dropped off at random locations, with the goal of returning to the starting point without being seen by the car. (photo by Avalon Nielsen)